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Quantitative Methods in Finance
Time Value of Money
Introduction to Time Value of Money
Interest Rates
Interest Rate Equation
Effective Annual Rate
Time Value of Money for Different Compounding Frequencies
Future Value and Present Value of a Single Cash Flow
Future Value and Present value of Annuities
Calculating Present Value and Future Value of Annuities with Different Compounding Frequencies
Using a Timeline
Discounted Cash Flow Applications
Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Conflict Between NPV and IRR (And Problem with IRR)
Holding Period Return (Total Return)
Money-weighted and Time-weighted Rates of Return of a Portfolio
Annualized Returns
Yield Measures for Money Market Instruments
Convert One Yield to Another
Statistical Concepts
Descriptive Vs. Inferential Statistics
Types of Measurement Scales
Parameter, Sample Statistic, and Frequency Distribution
Relative Frequencies and Cumulative Relative Frequencies
Properties of a Data Set (Histogram / Frequency Polygon)
Measures of Central Tendency - Arithmetic Mean
Weighted Average Mean
Geometric Mean
Harmonic Mean
Median and Mode
Quartiles, Quintiles, Deciles, and Percentiles
Range, Mean Absolute Deviation, Variance, Standard Deviation
Chebyshev’s Inequality
Coefficient of Variation and Sharpe Ratio
Relative Locations of Mean, Median and Mode
Sample Skewness and Kurtosis
Probability Concepts
Basic Terminology
Two Defining Properties of Probability
Empirical, Subjective and Priori Probability
Probability of an Event as Odds
Unconditional and Conditional Probabilities
Multiplication, Addition and Total Probability Rules
Joint Probabilities
Dependent Vs. Independent Events
Unconditional Probability Using the Total Probability Rule
Expected Value
Conditional Expected Values
Variance and Standard Deviation
Covariance and Correlation
Expected Value, Variance, and Standard Deviation of a Portfolio
Variance and Standard Deviation of a Portfolio
Bayes’ Theorem
Counting Problems
Sampling And Estimation
Simple Random Sampling, and Sampling Distribution
Stratified Random Sampling
Time Series and Cross Sectional Data
Standard Error of the Sample Mean
Parameter Estimation
Point Estimates
Central Limit Theorem
Confidence Interval Estimates
Student’s t Distribution
Biases in Sampling
Common Probability Distributions
Probability Distribution, Discrete and Continuous Random Variables
Discrete Uniform Random Variable
Bernoulli and Binomial Distribution
Stock Price Movement Using a Binomial Tree
Tracking Error
Continuous Uniform Distribution
Normal Distribution
Univariate Vs. Multivariate Distribution
Confidence Intervals for a Normal Distribution
Standard Normal Distribution
Short-fall Risk and Safety-First Ratio
Lognormal Distribution and Stock Prices
Rate of Returns
Monte Carlo Simulation
Historical Simulation Simulation Vs Monte Carlo
Unconditional Probability Using the Total Probability Rule
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